If you’re tired of rough haul roads slowing down your Job Site, the MT-14 and MT-12 Rollerblades from Mobile Track Solutions are the answer. Instead of tying up a dozer or motor grader just to keep haul roads in shape, these blades do the job faster and more efficiently. Smoother roads mean faster cycle times, less wear on equipment, and lower fuel costs—all adding up to a serious return on investment.
View the MT-12 & MT-14 Product Specifications Brochures below.
The MT-14 is built for larger sites where you need to cover more ground, while the MT-12 is ideal for tighter areas but delivers the same results. Both models are built tough, easy to use, and designed to keep haul roads in top shape. Contractors who put them to work see 15-25% faster cycle times and a big reduction in unnecessary machine hours. Instead of burning fuel and hours on a dozer or grader to fix or maintain haul roads, these blades keep things smooth with less effort and cost.
At the end of the day, better haul roads mean better efficiency and more money in your pocket. The MT-14 and MT-12 Rollerblades free up dozers and graders for more important work while keeping your haul roads in shape and production moving. If you’re looking for a tool that pays for itself, these blades are the way to go.
For more information on the MT-12 or MT-14 Rollerblades, please contact your local Caterpillar dealer. Find your local Caterpillar dealer here.